Absolutely right. Fragrance is a wonderful way to enter customers mind. You can include the Cuticura talcum powder. It is from the south. But it had a distinct smell. In fact, in a novel the writer describes the girl saying ‘she carried cuticura smell’. Also another talcum powder from south Gokul Santol. Another toilet soap - Chandrika had a distinct smell. Check out these. It had and I think it still has loyal customers.
Absolutely right. Fragrance is a wonderful way to enter customers mind. You can include the Cuticura talcum powder. It is from the south. But it had a distinct smell. In fact, in a novel the writer describes the girl saying ‘she carried cuticura smell’. Also another talcum powder from south Gokul Santol. Another toilet soap - Chandrika had a distinct smell. Check out these. It had and I think it still has loyal customers.
thanks for sharing imprinting smells from South India! Mysore Sandal Soap also probably?
Yes of course